Ebbene si! Il mio favoloso ragazzo per questo Natale si è superato.
Anni fa girovagando per Harrods a Londra vidi una borsa... che io considero LA borsa, e mi ci innamorai perdutamente. Era perfetta, in pelle di coccodrillo laccata, capientissima e soprattutto di Vivienne Westwood.
Yep! My wonderful boyfriend for Christmas this year has been exceeded.
Years ago wandering around Harrods in London I saw a bag ... I consider THE bag, and there I fell madly in love. It was perfect, crocodile leather lacquer, large and especially by Vivienne Westwood.
Years ago wandering around Harrods in London I saw a bag ... I consider THE bag, and there I fell madly in love. It was perfect, crocodile leather lacquer, large and especially by Vivienne Westwood.